The goals of the preschool program are to enhance emerging literacy skills, promote language development, improve large and small motor skills, encourage the ability to follow simple instructions, develop and use good manners, promote spiritual awareness through prayer and religious curriculum, and create opportunities to develop a unique sense of self within their peer group. Our kindergarten students enhance their growing literacy skills through immersive reading. Introduction to math begins in these early years through counting, one-on-one correspondence, sorting objects, learning to pattern using problem solving skills, and encouraging logical/critical thinking. Programs involving science, social studies, the arts, and physical education are formatted with a hands-on, discovery learning approach.
Elementary students build upon the instruction of their early years and explore subjects using interdisciplinary units. The combination of a focus on spelling and encouraged writing in Reading and Language Arts allows children to read, interpret, and respond to text. Critical thinking skills are fostered in the growth of the science and math programs during these years. Student collaboration in daily work and class projects allows students to question, interpret data, and develop solutions using scientific analysis. Through exploring and organizing cultural experiences in local and global settings, students grow in social understanding.
Our oldest students, the fourth through sixth graders, continue to refine their Reading and Language Arts skills while developing essential skills in Math, Science, Social Studies, and the Arts. Increased time in mathematics programming allows for the use of manipulatives to further reasoning and application. Science and Social Studies programs teach students critical thinking by engaging in interdisciplinary subject matter. Ensuring that “graduating” St. Alphonsus students are well-rounded and exposed to creative outlets, music, art, Spanish, technology, library science, and physical education all become a part of our students’ daily life. Participation in the religious aspects of St. Alphonsus School by leading weekly liturgies, participating in prayer services, giving religious presentations, and outreach is primary in these grades.